Living Curiously
Living Curiously
Full Moon in Leo — Guided Meditation

Full Moon in Leo — Guided Meditation

A meeting with your heart + reflection prompts.

This is the first guided practice of many that will offer you the chance to slow down, tap in, and connect with the energies of each Full Moon and New Moon cycle. Each practice is accompanied by reflection prompts that help you sync up and align with the energy of the season we’re in. Thank you for supporting my work!

We live in such a chaotic, busy world that is so mind-oriented that we forget the sheer power of our very own hearts.

Here, you get the chance to travel to the realm of your heartspace and meet with your heart over a warm cuppa tea.

Here, your heart shares exactly the wisdom you need to hear.

Here, you remember how energizing it is to live from your heart.

This is a practice you can come back to anytime, anywhere when you need to connect with your body and refuel your inner courage — the life force needed to share your heart with the world.

Below are prompts to crack your mind & heart open a little wider.

Wade right in

Here are some reflection prompts to deepen this experience and further connect with the energies present between the Full Moon in Leo and the Sun’s travels through Aquarius:

  • Aquarius rules your sense of community and the unique place you take up in the world. With this in mind which of your unique gifts do you cherish the most?

  • Leo represents the internal aspects of you that fuel your creativity, expression, playfulness, passion, and bravery — what activities help you most feel this energy? And how can you make more space for them in your life?

  • What ideas or dreams lie deep in your heart that haven’t seen the light of day? What are they? Do you think the world could benefit from them?

  • Your ego (also connected with Leo) can often get in the way of living an expansive & fulfilling life. If you were to meet with your ego in the same way you met with your heart in the guided practice, what would your ego have to share with you? What might your ego need to soften and support you (instead of beate you)?

  • Do you consider yourself an open-minded person? Do you also consider yourself an open-hearted person? Reflect on both these concepts and notice where you might be a little out of alignment.

  • If you were to lead a more courageous and expressive version of yourself, what would that look like and what would that feel like? (This is how you begin to correct the misalignment in the question above).

  • Last but not least: Imagine you’re with your future self right now and ask them “What is in my heart that I would deeply regret not acting on and sharing with the world? And what would happen if I did act on them and shared them with the world?”

Wishing you all an illuminating Full Moon in Leo!

Next up for these guided practices will be the New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th, 2024 at 5:59 pm EST.

See you soon!

With a wide-open heart,


Your Witchy Healer Friend / @brythehealer

For more personalized and in-depth support on your growth journey, check out my 1:1 offerings that weave Soul Guidance, MindBody Healing, and Astrology with a sprinkle of magic.

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Living Curiously
Living Curiously
A curious dive into the realms of nature, healing, spirituality, astrology, creativity, and human potential to nourish your experience on this Earth — by Bryanne LeBlanc.
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