Jun 6Liked by Bry LeBlanc

Love these explorations of the relationship you've had with your body. As a somatic practitioner it makes my heart so happy to see people bringing the body back in conversation. I deeply relate to feeling like my body was just a 'thing', something that got in the way every now and again. I'm grateful this is no longer the case. Great piece x

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Thanks so much Ella! I'm also incredibly grateful the body is coming more and more to the forefront, and how much that's challenging our minds to adapt. I'm a somatic practitioner as well and it always takes my breath away how much wisdom our bodies really hold! I'm sure you can relate, but I just love seeing the light bulb go off when people realize their bodies are sentient beings! There's a whole universe inside there, it's wild we ever thought they were just things 😭

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Yes!! deeply relate to the light bulb going off. So nice to have connected with your page 💙

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