Living Curiously
Living Curiously
New Moon in Aquarius — Guided Meditation

New Moon in Aquarius — Guided Meditation

And being with what's right here, right now.

Happy New Moon y’all!

I had all these fancy plans to create a workbook, overview, and prompts for the New Moon, but after chatting with a good friend today, I realized I’m doing too much. I’m exhausted and stretching myself thin — so here’s to simplifying and prioritizing what feels best and in alignment

And honestly, I love, love, love guided meditations & audio work. When I record these, they also help me tap into myself and what’s going on in nature, ALONG WITH YOU.

So I’m following what feels juiciest to me and will be offering these on the New & Full Moon for all subscribers. I am constantly evolving & learning, and how I approach my Substack will do the same. Thanks for holding space for my iterations!

I hope you enjoy listening in and learn a thing or two about yourself and nature in the process!

If a part of this struck a chord or ignited a curiosity within you, feel free to reply to this email, pop a comment below, or share with a friend who might love it too 💕🌚

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And if you’re keen to explore your birth chart or connect with your roots on a deeper level, I’d be soooo honoured to hold space for you in session.

Until next time…

With love,


Your Witchy Healer Friend / @brythehealer

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Living Curiously
Living Curiously
A curious dive into the realms of nature, healing, spirituality, astrology, creativity, and human potential to nourish your experience on this Earth — by Bryanne LeBlanc.
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Bry LeBlanc